Wednesday, June 4, 2008


johnnboy1949 said...

Just wanted to see what this would bring up....
I've just made a let's see what becomes of it....Just by doing this and a few other things...we'll see......I'll be butting some of the things I've done as I move around here on this earth....Hope it comes out looking the way I'll like it too....that is if I keep comming back to this thing...there i've gotten this far anyway...Now really for anything, so let's get something on.....I hope you can see this here picture...It's one of Jonny and I while we lived in Illinois.....This is the frist month that Jonny and I was staying together as Homeless people....We went to Chicago one day..just didn't have anything elst to do that day....I mean...being homeless you'll think you'll be out looking for a place to stay yea....not us....we had a sleeping place....We lived in a tent out in the woods of Joliet, was fun....Jonny at that time was only 19....He just turn 19...Feb,28.1976,,,,and me, an old man....trying to be young again...I'm telling you... Jonny maded me young again...I've always Love to walk around or run most of the time...and with Jonny....he's like a work out service....I kept in shiap with him around...
Well anyway...i've just got this far with just a little now I'll but more in as i go from here on out....

Unknown said...

I wish i knew what would become of this....this is the frist time i have been here...its 3/22/13. Now... a lot has happen....